January 17, 2025

Lisburn Rangers FC

Lisburn Rangers FC is a Northern Irish soccer club playing in the 1B Division of the Daily Mirror Northern Amateur Football League. Formed in 1957 Rangers has been a member of the Amateur League since 1963. The club was originally called Lisburn United. In August 2009 the club moved to it’s new facilities at Lisburn Leisure Park. The grounds were named Stanley Park after long time club member Stanley Coulter.


Directions to the
Lisburn Rangers FC
Soccer Pitch & Map

Stanley Park, Lisburn Leisure Park, Governor’s Road, Lisburn, BT28 1LP
Travelling from Belfast on the M1 take Exit 6. Take the third exit from the roundabout for the A3 / Saintfield Road heading towards Lisburn / A49. Take the left at A3 / Laganbank Road. Take the left at the Lisburn Leisure Park. There is car parking behind the Harry Ramsdens restaurant.

Lisburn Rangers FC
Pitch Route Planner

For detailed directions to the Lisburn Rangers football pitch
please visit the AA Route Planner

Check the Weather for
the Football Match

weather The weather forecast for the Lisburn Rangers match

Honorary Lisburn Rangers Football Club Secretary

Nigel Farr

Football Club Chairman

Stanley Coulter

Lisburn Rangers
Soccer Team Managers

First Team Manager : Mark Porter
Second Team Manager: Stevie Houston
Under 14 Manager: Damian McGarahan

Soccer Leagues

Northern Amateur Football League

Football Club Colours

Blue shirts, Blue shorts, Red Socks

Club Email Address

Email Lisburn Rangers FC

Soccer Club Website

Lisburn Rangers Website
Club Supporter

Lisburn Rangers FC
Football Notes

If you are connected with Lisburn Rangers FC and if you have any comments, suggestions or corrections to your football club listing please
contact Soccer-Ireland.Com


Irish Soccer Information
Irish Football Club Directory Irish Soccer Leagues Women’s Soccer in Ireland
Dublin Football Clubs Football Association of Ireland Irish Soccer Players
Dublin Football Clubs by Area Irish Football Club Websites Futsal in Ireland
Irish Soccer Managers Irish Soccer Results
Irish Football History Football Pundits
Irish Soccer Referees Republic of Ireland Managers
League of Ireland Irish Football Statistics