January 16, 2025
bandon (1)

Bandon AFC

Bandon AFC is a County Cork soccer club that competes in the West Cork Schoolboys League. The postal address for Bandon AFC is Bandon, County Cork

Directions to the
Bandon AFC
Soccer Pitch & Map

Coming into Bandon from the main Cork to Bandon Road, proceed along the road into Bandon. At the T-junction, at the Methodist Church, take the right hand turn and pass over the bridge. Proceed along road to the left off the bridge and then take the next right hand turn. Drive on this road for about 0.5 and the Town Park dressing rooms are on the left. Car parking is available.

Bandon AFC
Pitch Route Planner

For detailed directions to the Bandon AFC football pitch
please visit the AA Route Planner

Check the Weather for
the Football Match

weather The weather forecast for the Bandon AFC match

Check if Pitch is Playable

Football Pitches Playability pages on RTE’s Aertel sports pages

Honorary Bandon Football Club Secretary

Football Club Chairman

Match Fixtures Secretary

Anne Campbell

Bandon Soccer
Team Managers

BOYS U-11: John Hurley 087 2747838 – Tony O’Leary
BOYS U-11: Rob Lang 087 6564593 – Pa Harrington 087 2949303
BOYS U-12 W.C.L. – Ian McMorran 086 8606844 – Richie Regan 086 1545259
BOYS U-12: Dave McSweeney 086 8307312 – Andy Nolan
BOYS U-13: Albert O’Donoghue 087 2363904 – Tony Fitzpatrick 086 8329524
BOYS U-14: Denis McCarthy 086 2778428 – Mike Brennan 0862519988
BOYS U-15: John Moynihan 086 1263623
BOYS U-16: Dave Hill 087 6781849 – Denis Harrington
BOYS U-18: Dave Tyner 087 7743992
JUNIORS: Ger O’Grady 087 9675954
GIRLS U-12: Mossie O’Donovan 086 2775401
GIRLS U-14: Lynda Crowley 087 6496284
LADIES: Jim McCarthy 087 1238019
CLUB COACH: Niall O’Regan 086 2507175

Soccer Leagues

West Cork Schoolboys League

Football Club Colours

Blue and Black Bandon

Club Email Address

Email address for Bandon AFC

Soccer Club Website

Bandon AFC Website

Bandon AFC
Football Notes

If you are connected with Bandon AFC and if you have any comments, suggestions or corrections to your football club listing please
contact Soccer-Ireland.Com

Cork Football Clubs

Rockmount – Ardfield FC – Ballinhassig AFC – Ballydehob FC – Bandon AFC – Bantry Bay Rovers AFC
Blackstone Rovers – Bunratty United – Buttevant AFC – Carrigaline AFC – Carrigtwohill United – Clonakilty AFC
Clonakilty Town FC – Crosshaven AFC – Douglas Hall AFC – Drinagh Rangers – Dunmanway Town FC
Durrus FC – Everton AFC – Grangevale AFC – Greenwood FC – Innishvilla AFC – Kanturk AFC – Kilmichael Rovers
Knockraha FC – Leeside AFC Lyre Rovers – Mayfield United – Richmond FC – Riverside Athletic – Riverstown FC
Rockmount AFC – Skibbereen AFC – Sullane FC – Togher Celtic – Tramore Athletic FC –

Cork Soccer Leagues

Cork Athletic Union League
Munster Senior League
West Waterford East Cork League
West Cork League
West Cork Schoolboys League

Irish Soccer Information
Irish Football Club Directory Irish Soccer Leagues Women’s Soccer in Ireland
Dublin Football Clubs Football Association of Ireland Irish Soccer Players
Dublin Football Clubs by Area Irish Football Club Websites Futsal in Ireland
Irish Soccer Managers Irish Soccer Results
Irish Football History Football Pundits
Irish Soccer Referees Republic of Ireland Managers
League of Ireland Irish Football Statistics