February 15, 2025

Ashford Rovers AFC

Ashford Rovers AFC is a Wicklow soccer football club founded in 1972. The club’s teams compete in the Wicklow District Football League and in the WDSL Schoolboys/Girls League.

Ashford Rovers own an Astro pitch that is available for hire. Daylight hours costs €50 per hour and under lights costs €70 per hour. To book a slot contact Andy on 086 8111162 or James on 087 2411175.


Directions to the
Ashford Rovers AFC
Soccer Pitch & Map

All 7 & 9 aside games played in Ashford National school or Ballinalea Park.

All 11 aside games played in Ballinalea Park or at the new pitch on the Mill Road.

Directions to NEW 11 aside pitch when travelling south
If travelling south towards Ashford, exit the M11 at Junction 15 and at the roundabout take the the second exit back over the bridge. At the next exit take the first exit onto the R772 until you come to the next roundabout. Go through this roundabout into the village. At the roundabout in the village go straight through it and take the next left at the old Garda station. Drive down this road for about 750 meters and the entrance to the pitch is on the left before the motorway bridge.

Directions to NEW 11 aside pitch when travelling North
If travelling North towards Ashford, exit the M11 at Junction 16 and at the roundabout take the the first left onto the R772, continue on into Ashford. Ashford GAA pitch will be on your left and as you pass through the village. After the bridge take the right down by the old Garda station. Drive down this road for about 750 meters and the entrance to the pitch is on the left before the motorway bridge

Ashford Rovers AFC
Pitch Route Planner

For detailed directions to the Ashford Rovers football pitch please visit the
AA Route Planner

Check the Weather for
the Football Match

weather The weather forecast for the Ashford Rovers match

Ashford Rovers Football Club Committee

Chairman: : James Doyle 087 2411175 james.doyle40@hotmail.com
Vice-Chairman: Dean Turner 086 8172793 deane.turner@gmail.com
Secretary: Peter Porter 083 1534477 ppap@eircom.net
Treasurer: Debbie Quinn 086 8554859 debbie-keogh@hotmail.com
Assisstant Treasurer: Tracy Cullen tracy-cullen@hotmail.com
PRO: Andrew Hill 086 8111162 andrewhill@live,ie
Wicklow League Rep: Paul Conyard
Other Committe Members:
Fran Turner
Mark Hamilton
Stephen Nicholls
Paul Conyard
Thomas Kearns
Damien Glynn
Bernard Denver
Angela Garland
John Bishop
Pairic Gleeson
Daragh Baumann
Colin Greene
Dave Ryan
Brenda Shortt

Soccer Leagues

Wicklow District Football League
WDSL Schoolboys/Girls League

Football Club Colours

Blue & White

Club Email Address

Email Ashford Rovers

Soccer Club Website

Ashford Rovers AFC Website
Club Supporter

Ashford Rovers AFC
Football Notes

If you are connected with Ashford Rovers AFC and if you have any comments, suggestions or corrections to your football club listing please
contact Soccer-Ireland.Com


Wicklow Football Clubs

Ardmore Rovers FC – Arklow Town FC – Ashford Rovers – Baltinglass Town Boys – Blessington FC
Garden County FC – Greystones United – Enniskerry FC – Wicklow Town AFC – Wolfe Tone YC

Wicklow Soccer Leagues

Wicklow League
Wicklow District Schoolboy League
Athletic Union League
Dublin & District Schoolboys League
South Dublin Football League
Carlow & District Football League

Irish Soccer Information
Irish Football Club Directory Irish Soccer Leagues Women’s Soccer in Ireland
Dublin Football Clubs Football Association of Ireland Irish Soccer Players
Dublin Football Clubs by Area Irish Football Club Websites Futsal in Ireland
Irish Soccer Managers Irish Soccer Results
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Irish Soccer Referees Republic of Ireland Managers
League of Ireland Irish Football Statistics